Today Jonathan marched in the arena, walked across the stage and accepted his high school diploma. I swear I was looking at the ceiling trying to keep the tears from making their way down my cheeks when he walked in! I say it all the time and I'm sure those who hear me say it are tired of hearing it, but I swear he was just little yesterday! I know, not really, but time really has flown by! I could say all the typical stuff like how proud I am of him or how I wish him nothing but the best for the future - but all of that goes without saying! Today I watched a young man with so much potential start a new chapter of his life. We've all been there, I just wish I could find all the right words so that he would completely understand all of the opportunities that are ahead of him! One thing's for sure, I'll be his biggest fan each step of the way! Congratulations Jon!
We've moved! Just without all the packing...come with us, we'd love for you to! =)
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