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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Letting go isn't easy!

If you're not into sappy sentimental stuff you probably shouldn't read this because I can promise, that's where it's headed!

You know that we have 3 Godchildren. Siblings and each amazing in their own ways. But today....well today, Jon is heading off to college. Packing his things into the car and driving off. Now I know he's a 'big boy' but I wouldn't be me if it didn't absolutely pull at my heart! So, what do I do? I think...

Eighteen years ago he arrived. A little man born on a Saturday morning and I couldn't wait to get my hands on him! I still remember sitting in the rocking chair and holding him. I remember what I was wearing and I remember exactly the way his little face looked!

One of the sweetest little boys I've ever known. Chubby cheeks and dimples that make you want to grab 'em and pinch! He grew into an amazing kid!
He's so much more than just a Godson to me. We don't have the typical Godparent/child relationship. We don't see him every now and again. He's part of our lives...our normal everyday life. We've spent more time with him (all of them) then I could ever begin to account for. We've been blessed and I can't imagine loving kids more than I love them. And I know he won't be that far away and I know about texting and phone calls and Skype but still! And I know the reality is that he's bigger and stronger and smarter than me but through my eyes he's a messy haired mischievous little boy who needs me!

I've prayed for him for eighteen years! For his health, his happiness, for his success. I'll never stop! But it feels more important than ever right now. He's on the brink of a brand new chapter of his life! Really making choices on his own...no one to tell him that it's late and he should be sleeping, no one to tell him that the cups growing things in his room really need to find their way to the kitchen, no one to make sure what really matters...that he's ok. So, I'll keep praying.

Jon - we love you, are proud of you and want nothing but the best for you! And remember - no matter the day or time...you call and I'll be there! Without question or hesitation....I'll be right there! When you were little and with us and I'd tell you goodnight, I'd always say 'you know where I am if you need me'.....well Jon - you know where I am if you need me!

Nope, letting go isn't easy...

Sunday, August 8, 2010

A wedding celebration

I mentioned Joanna and Kevin's wedding - Joanna is Duffy's cousin. It was an amazing day - perfect weather, a beautiful ceremony and a rockin' reception. This was the first outdoor wedding we've attended and it was wonderful!

I have to share my favorite part of the festivities. Uncle Bob, Joanna's Dad, is a soft spoken man of few words. In fact, I'd guess that public speaking probably isn't his favorite thing to do. But on this very special day, he stood in front of 100+ guests and talked about his daughter...with pride and admiration. Knowing him makes it even more special...knowing that it isn't something he would be overly excited to do. So dabbing tears to keep them from falling down my cheeks, I listened. I for sure understand phobias and fears so I'm forever impressed! You've made an impression Uncle Bob! ;)

Here's a couple of pics:

Duffy's Dad, Mom, our niece Morgan, me, Grandma and Duffy

The beautiful bride with her cousins (Duffy, Eric, Joanna and Craig)

Congratulations Joanna and Kevin! And thank you for inviting us to share in your day!

When in Ohio

This weekend we went to Ohio to celebrate with Joanna and Kevin at their wedding. But, before the main event, we spent some time touring around the area. And let me just say that I've never appreciated the beauty of Vermilion until this visit. On Friday evening after dinner overlooking the water, we were able to catch the sun setting on Lake Erie....I don't think I've ever taken time to actually watch the sun set. Could that be? Wow...anyway - cross if off the bucket list because it's accomplished!

On Saturday, we got up and at 'em, hoping to do a little more sight seeing. It was a picture perfect day. Temperatures in the low 80's and plenty of activity on the water. We were lucky enough to eat at a great restaurant that gave a perfect view.
And did I mention the food was just as good as the atmosphere? Love this place!

and to top it off....sweet tea with a fun pink straw! Did they know I was coming?
When in Ohio, you must try the Buckeye BBQ sauce. Yep, second from being the hottest they have but Duffy braved his way through six wings.
Is that a Terps shirt he's wearing in Ohio?! ha!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Simple blessings

Things were moving a little slower than normal this morning....ok I was moving slower than usual. I was looking out the bedroom window just kinda thinking and saw this! Wow....it's the simple things sometimes.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The weekend...

We had a great weekend...the kind where you realize you didn't get that much sleep but you're not really that tired... Because you had that much fun!

We started off Friday night singin' along with Jason Aldean. He rocked it...we decided a couple weeks ago to go and were lucky enough to get pretty good tickets. He's got that country style with a little rock mixed in. Loved it!

A friend of ours plays in a band that's just awesome! Check 'em out... Crushing Day. So, on Saturday we went to see them play. The venue was... well...perfect! Red Eyes Dock Bar just over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. Lot of boats to watch and we couldn't've ordered up better weather! It was so good to see friends we haven't seen in too long and to meet new ones too! Can't wait to see 'em play again! Fun times!

Wishing everyone a good week!

Thanks for stopping by