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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

So I'm hoping if I publish these I'll be more dedicated to sticking to them. Here's my list (hopes!):
  • I hope to do at least one house chore a night. I'm pretty good about keeping up with things around here, but sometimes I try to cram all of the 'real' cleaning into one day. Let's just say it doesn't bring out the best in me! ha!
  • I hope to cook more. Oh goodness! I wrote it, God help me! But I really would like to (I think) ;)
  • I hope to be more adventurous. gulp! I'm not quite sure exactly what I mean - but truth is I'm pretty conservative when it comes to taking risks, so almost anything would be an improvement.
  • and finally, I hope to find a church that I like and feel 'at home' in. (Duffy - this might be your assignment! :))
I think I could go on and on but I don't want to set myself up to fail. Ha!

So, how 'bout you? What are your resolutions?


  1. I like your resolutions. I gave up on resolutions a long time ago!

  2. Thanks for participating in my New Year Resolution Review!!! I agree with your cook more resolution...I need to do the same myself :)

    Happy New Year!


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