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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Growth spurt

It literally rained from Wednesday night until around lunch time today - no joke! I was beginning to wonder if we'd ever see the sun again. This afternoon it made a short appearance. Shew, finally!

Aside from my monumental trip to Hobby Lobby (still can't wait to go back!), it was a pretty quiet weekend. Jacob is very excited for winter to arrive. He loves snowboarding and the colder-than-normal weather lately has given him the bug. He wanted to dig out his snowboard to see how it sized up to him this year. Wow - he grew A LOT over the summer. His board came to his chin at the end of last season. Look at it now...

Guess I know what's going to be on his birthday list! Ha.

Is it really Sunday night already? Here's hoping for a good week! =)

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